Stephen Floyd

Manager - A&R

cat Created with Sketch.
Cat Person
Cats all the way!
bird Created with Sketch.
Morning Person
Tea Person
Iced chai, exclusively (fight me).

About Stephen Floyd:

Job Title: Manager – A&R

Anniston, AL

What did you study in college? Where?
Accounting & Music Business. Pick a school, I was probably there.

Size of your family (siblings, spouse/kids)?
2 – Just me and my wife, Zanna.

Dogs or Cats?
Cats all the way!

Top 3 favorite albums of all time?
Madeon // Adventure
Taylor Swift // 1989
Michael Jackson // Thriller

What are your favorite podcasts?
Action Boyz
If I Were You
The Fantasy Footballers

What was your first concert?
16 Unashamed Tour 2012

Favorite sitcom?
30 Rock

Introvert or Extrovert
Massive Introvert

What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
My wife got me a replica Super Bowl LII ring from the Philadelphia Eagles that I love. I keep it on my desk at work. 

Morning person or night owl?
Night Owl

Coffee or Tea?
Iced chai, exclusively (fight me).

Chocolate or vanilla?
Vanilla. Chocolate is gross (once again, fight me).

Two fun facts about you:
1. I’ve lived in 8 different states.
2. My entire life revolves around Fantasy Football for 6 months of the year.

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