John Nichols

Accounting Manager

dog Created with Sketch.
Dog Person
2 Dogs and 3 Cats but definitely a dog person
bird Created with Sketch.
Morning Person
Age turned me into a morning person
Can't Decide

About John Nichols:

Hometown: Kingsport, TN

What did you study in college? Where? Political Science/History at Tennessee Tech Unvi. & Accounting at Belmont University

Size of your family (siblings, spouse/kids)?1 Sister & 1 Brother…Married with two boys

Dogs or Cats? 2 Dogs and 3 Cats but definitely a dog person

What was your first concert? Rush – Exit Stage Left

Who is your favorite artist/ band and how many times have you seen them in concert? Jason & the Scorchers-to many times to count

Favorite sitcom? Cheers

Favorite Sports Team GO VOLS!!

Favorite place in the entire world? The mountains of East TN (GOD’s country!!)

How many states have you been to? 37

Which countries have you traveled to? Italy

Favorite road trip you’ve taken? My wife and I went from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean(took 3 wks)

What is the best gift you’ve ever received? God’s Love!

Morning person or night owl? Age turned me into a morning person

Person you got nervous meeting and why? The Vice President because of all the guys with dark sunglasses and guns standing around him!

Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate

Coffee or Tea? neither

What’s on the top of your bucket list? Playing 18 holes at Pebble Beach

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? Not an Accountant

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