Shimmy Chimento

Manager of National Promotion

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Morning Person
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Coffee Person

About Shimmy Chimento:


Job Title:
National Promotions

Dunkirk, NY

What did you study in college? Where?
Music and Bible at Central Bible College

Size of your family (siblings, spouse/kids)?
3 younger brothers. I have a spouse and two kids, a boy and a girl

What are your 3 favorite things to watch on Netflix?
I just watch Docs, usually bios and such.

What do you listen to in the car?
Usually talk radio and various radio shows

What are your favorite podcasts?
You Made It Weird and Revisionist History

Last book you read OR your current favorite book?
Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen

What are your favorite books? (can’t include bible)
Anything by Malcolm Gladwell, stuff on social economics, and bios

Favorite Sports Team?:
Buffalo Bills

Introvert or Extrovert?

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A Rockstar

Two fun facts about you:
You wouldn’t believe them if I told you

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